Saturday, January 3, 2009

I'm a Pansy.

And this was like the 5th time I'd shot it......

My family has a new tradition when we get together: going to shoot! Whereas I'm a big supporter of firearms in general, it's been years since I've shot anything other than our single-shot rifle. I'm pretty sure I was about 12 last time I shot a shotgun.

After about 6 shots with this gun (a 12-guage), I went in and got "the ladies gun" - a bolt-action .410, which has shells only the size of my pinkie, thus less kick-back. It's harder to hit a target with the smaller shells, but I figured I wasn't going to be hitting anything anyways, so it might as well hurt me less with each shot.

1 comment:

Tiffany said...

Rocky's sister just got her first shot gun for Christmas...I haven't shot in a long time...I think I see a lot of blue rock in our family get together's though.

P.S. You have an award waiting at my blog :)