Tuesday, January 6, 2009

About that Bailout....

The more I think about that $700 BILLION bailout our government so carelessly handed out - once again, do government officials not have to pay taxes? Is that why they so freely spend MY MONEY on these idiotic pursuits? - the more it hacks me off.
Instead of giving money to the executives at the top, why didn't they give it to those of us at the bottom - which is where they say the problem started anyways, because people couldn't pay their loans!
Imagine how much more sense it would make to give out that money in the form of a "grant" - Okay, show us ptoof you have a home mortgage, and we'll cut a check straight to Countrywide (or whoever carries your loan) to help you out. That helps the big mortgage corporations, because they're getting their money, and it helps us by freeing us up to spend money on things OTHER than house payments, thus stimulating our economy. End of "economic crisis."
Seriously. If this mommy - who doesn't have a college degree or any financial expertise other than managing our family checkbook - can figure that out, surely one of the HOW MANY people in Congress could have thought of it!


Anonymous said...

Leave it to Dems to [screw] the country up even more...typical. Not that the Reps have a lot of spine to speak of these days (think Lynn Jenkins), but with Obambi and Pelosi running the show it's going to turn into a Greek tragedy in no time.

Teach said...

Oh, Kronk, you have such a way with words. Touche!

Doug or Janice Rhodes said...

Whosoever voted FOR the bailout should be voted OUT next election--that would include both Bush and Obama by the way....
Mom R