Monday, February 23, 2009

Pet Peeves

So, after reading and totally enjoying everyone's "25 Random Things About Me", I really wanted to do it again.
Then after thinking about it, most of my random things are pet peeves. So I thought I'd list a few of my pet peeves and maybe some of you could do the same. I won't tag anyone in writing, but you know who you are.
  1. I hate it when people misuse your/you're and there/their. ESPECIALLY on public things like signs and menus. And I also get really annoyed by misspellings used to be cute for marketing - ie, the "Kozy" Inn or "Kountry" Store.
  2. I want to whip out a pistol on people who try to blow stop signs and have to slam on their brakes to keep from me hitting them.... And then they glare at ME like I'm the one who was in the wrong!
  3. Cops that don't use their turn signals and/or exceed the speed limit when they aren't on their way to an emergency. How do they expect people to obey the laws when they're not even setting the example themselves?
  4. People that yap on their cell phones in public. I mean, I talk on my cell phone. But I try to step away from other people, and ALWAYS hang up before I am checking out my groceries.
  5. Kids with pacifiers annoy me. I'm okay with babies that have one - Nathan would never take one, but I tried. But after they're a year old, they don't need one. And I would be sympathetic if they just couldn't give it up at bedtime. But when you don't have a picture of your three year old's smile because he's always got one stuck in his mouth......
Sorry if any of these apply to you. And I don't judge my friends. Just strangers.
Let me know what bugs you!


carrie said...

I hate it when Charlie corrects my grammar. He should save that for people who don't have good speaking grammar. If I break a rule, I'm doing it on purpose and he knows it.

I also hate dogs who pee on random trash bags laying around my house. I'm about to get rather violent with them.

Teach said...

How lovely that the Kozy Inn is seared into your brain... Good times, good times...

Tiffany said...

So true on the pacifier....Dalton never took one.