Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Blast from the Past

I'm doing some major sorting/downsizing at our house. I realized that whenever we have a second child, we're going to need the second bedroom (aka "The Pit of Disasterness"). I have to sort through all the stuff (most of which could be thrown away or gotten rid of) and condense it down to fit in the closet that is all we have for an attic (that's already half full of stuff that has been gone through already).
I'm finding all sorts of great things that make me laugh. Most of it's from Paul's things, as I was rather ruthless on my belongings when I moved out when we got married. But I'm finding old school yearbooks, old photos, old letters, and just in general old "treasures".
For today's entry, we have this photo:

Can you tell who it is?


Tiffany said...

You sure have been talking about a second child a lot...something you should tell us?

Tricia said...

Doug Rhodes, Paul's dad?

The randomness that is my life said...

Yeah the name under the picture doesn't give it away at all...

carrie said...

um, it says Doug Rhodes at the bottom of the photo. So yeah, I cheated.

Rachel said...

Okay, so I meant could you tell who it was just by looking at it, or did you have to cheat and read underneath it?
And no. Nothing I need to admit to anyone in regards to baby #2 - just trying to get some crap done so that when I DO get knocked up I can eat bonbons and take naps and not worry about having to get a baby's room ready.

Tricia said...

I could tell who it was before I looked at the name at the bottom,so I knew what you were getting at.:oP Paul looks a lot like his dad!

Anonymous said...

I knew who it was before I saw the name at the bottom. Do I A. Get points for knowing who Doug is or B. Lose points for not noticing the name?!

Doug or Janice Rhodes said...

This picture startles some people. This is what I saw when I met him in 1974.... He shaved the beard for his mom before our wedding. A couple of times I have convinced him to grow one again, but he never keeps it long. I understood when he worked for IBP it was a mess to keep.