Thursday, August 9, 2012


I had an awesomely productive day yesterday.  I fully cleaned the kitchen and dining room (which actually weren't that bad), and even mopped the floors for the second time in a matter of weeks.  (I think I need to see a doctor....)  I got all the laundry folded and put away.  I did school with Nathan and cooked a nice supper.  I had that victorious feeling of almost being on top of the housework.  Today, the plan was to clean the bathroom and sort toys/movies/books and vacuum the living room.  Paul would come home to a shining house and be able to kick back and relax while I served him supper in high heels and pearls.... (ha ha)
So of course I wake up not feeling well.  It's not to the point of not being able to do anything, but definitely making me feel tired and lethargic.  I'm watering trees outside, and my legs feel heavy and my joints ache as I walk across the yard.  I had to take a nap.  I did manage to tidy up the kitchen and dining room of the school and lunch mess, but that's about all that I've managed, other than sitting on the couch contemplating my cramping gut and churning stomach.
Does this happen to anyone else?  It seems like it happens every time I'm getting with it on the housework - I get sick.  I don't know what it is, whether it's my body complaining about the mutiny from it's usual state of laziness and complacency, or God keeping me from getting too proud of myself and having a clean house.
On the upside, what allowed yesterday's productiveness and today's nap was the fact that the little miss took a 5 hour nap yesterday and a 4 hour nap today.  I put her upstairs in her crib, which I've only done a handful of other times.  But I think the quiet and dark is helping her sleep.  (And the fact she may be going through a growth spurt.)  We've been having her sleep in her playpen in our front room so we don't have to pay an a/c bill for her window unit.  The last couple nights have been pretty cool (low 60s), so with the windows open and fan on, combined with the fact it's on the west side and no sun comes in the window 'til about 1, it was pretty comfortable up there at 11 when I put her down.
Oh well.  She's awake now and she's voicing her opinion of me being on the computer.  Back to it.


Doug or Janice Rhodes said...

The sick feeling is either a bug going round or a result of the long heat spell. Doug and I had it last week and I did not feel good again today...much better after a nap and some ginger tea.... Your house has been looking so good lately that it motivated me to get to my floors. They need it soon as I finish my DVD notes.

Scrat on Speed said...

The thought of you in high heels just makes me laugh. You would tower over Paul, and it's a humorous thought.