Thursday, March 26, 2009


Last night, Paul put Nathan to bed, and the house was quiet as I got ready for bed and Paul checked his email or something on the computer. I had just thought to myself how Nathan must have gone right to sleep, when I hear:
"Daddy. DAAAADY. Dadeeeee. Daddy. Daaaaaadeeeee. Dadeeee."
He continued this for a couple minutes before Paul went up there. Paul said he walked into Nathan's bedroom, and Nathan was standing up in his crib, holding his sippy cup. He held it out do Paul and said, "All done," complete with hand motions. After Paul took the cup, Nathan laid down in bed and pulled up the cover.
Kind of reminded me of this clip.
(And by linking to it, I am not recommending Family Guy. However, it does amuse me occasionally.)

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