Thursday, March 26, 2009

Kids These Days......

To the young man sitting in the pew in front of me on Sunday:
I usually don't dedicate entire posts to vent my irritation on one single person. But as if wearing a hat in church during most of the service wasn't rude enough, you couldn't put your cell phone away for one minute, and sent and received text messages throughout the entire message.
Now, towards the end of the sermon you noticed the fact I was trying to read over your shoulder what you were typing. You're darn right I was! I wanted to see what was so gosh dang important that you couldn't pause the conversation for just a half hour or so until you were out of church. But instead of putting your little cell phone away, you kept one hand over the screen while typing with the other hand. Maybe you got a little nervous that I had actually read some of your little conversation, because about that time, you took off your little cap to reveal your obviously unwashed and uncombed hair. Which seriously didn't bother me as much as you wearing a hat in church. Don't you know that's disrespectful? Do they even teach that to kids these days?
Would it have been rude of me to reach over the pew, take his cell phone away, and force him to listen to the sermon? Because I'm pretty sure if he's that disinterested in what's going on at the front of the sanctuary, there's a good chance he needs to hear it all the more.


carrie said...

you should've licked your finger and stuck it in his ear. Then washed your hands of course.

Teach said...

Dude. I'm with you. Totally tacky. Obviously did not get beat enough as a child.

JC said...


The randomness that is my life said...

But how is that any different then adults whispering during ther sermon or even worse during the prayer? Because I have been behind some people whop have whispered during the prayer about reminding them to do something when they gpt home...I'm just saying before we compltetly call out the teenagers and point them out we need to look at ourselves and think about things we do..I am just as guilty as anyone...ok I'm off my soap box now