Wednesday, July 28, 2010

P90X for Real People

So if you've done P90X, you know how intense it is. And I'd just like to say that the instructors are not "real" people. They are not your typical out-of-shape mommy who can't even do 10 push-ups. (Maybe I can. But I'm too lazy to even try.)
So I thought I'd post a picture of my first experience with P90X. Just to make everyone else feel better.
Promise not to use this against me.

You can't get any more real than this.

In my defense.... I wanted to see what it was like before I started it. My sister told me I needed to be "somewhat in shape" before I attempted it, and I now see why she said that.

Also in my defense, I'm doing this:

I don't know if you are familiar with Leslie Sansone, but I LOVE her workouts. They are simple - no fancy foot patterns, just walking in place with kicks and side-steps. This 4 mile one is my favorite. It takes 50 minutes, but you feel like you've worked by the time it's over. I'm doing her workout for a week or two to make sure I can do the cardio part, then I'm switching over to P90X for more all-over toning (something that you don't get in a walking workout). And after two babies, these abs definitely need some toning. (Abs? What are those?)


JC said...

Tony Horton ranks right up there with my favoritest of politicians for "Most Annoying Voice Ever" - much less the fact that he's probably coked out of his mind before filming. My advice: when you get familiar enough with the excercises, mute the TV to do the workout. It might just keep you from blurting out obsenities at his annoyingness.

Lurenda said...

Whatever JC i absolutely LOVE it! amazing! and i know rachel with like the Kempo and kickboxing stuff in it...:P